The Art of Being Creative
So, I had some time on my hands today and I decided that I wanted to make a pillow. After all, pillows are the easiest things to make. But, I was lazy and I didn't have the energy to sit and sew. So, I stapled the pillow together. That's right...STAPLED! It sounds freaky but it's not.
The key is leave enough margin between the staple and the fold so that when you fold it out again, you won't feel the staples. Now it's not the perfect pillow, but nevertheless, it took 15 minutes to make and I love it. Why? Because I made it hehe.
How to make a pillow in 15 minutes.
Necessary materials: fabric, pillows, or any other stuffing of your choice. I have seen others stuff old clothes in there, but I don't know how comforable that is.
Making the Pillow:
1. Take a fabric of your choice.
2. Fold it in half. (Make sure you have measured the size of the pillow/stuffing before you mark the edges, you want to make sure the pillow fits inside.) Make sure that you turn it inside out.
3. Mark the edges with a light pen.
4. Cut about 3-4cm away from the marked edges (this is not necessary if you're going to sew, but if you're going to staple, you don't want to feel them poking you when you lie on it do you?) REMEMBER DO NOT CUT THE BOTTOM PART, you will just have to staple/sew it back together again - unnecessary).
5. Start stapeling along the edges. Try to staple every 3cm if you can to make sure the pillow is well-sealed. IMPORTANT: DO NOT SEAL THE ENTIRE PILLOW. ALWAYS LEAVE ABOUT 5-10 CM TO LEAVE ROOM FOR THE ACTUAL PILLOW!!! Also try to keep it STRAIGHT!
The key is leave enough margin between the staple and the fold so that when you fold it out again, you won't feel the staples. Now it's not the perfect pillow, but nevertheless, it took 15 minutes to make and I love it. Why? Because I made it hehe.
How to make a pillow in 15 minutes.
Necessary materials: fabric, pillows, or any other stuffing of your choice. I have seen others stuff old clothes in there, but I don't know how comforable that is.
Making the Pillow:
1. Take a fabric of your choice.
2. Fold it in half. (Make sure you have measured the size of the pillow/stuffing before you mark the edges, you want to make sure the pillow fits inside.) Make sure that you turn it inside out.
3. Mark the edges with a light pen.
4. Cut about 3-4cm away from the marked edges (this is not necessary if you're going to sew, but if you're going to staple, you don't want to feel them poking you when you lie on it do you?) REMEMBER DO NOT CUT THE BOTTOM PART, you will just have to staple/sew it back together again - unnecessary).
5. Start stapeling along the edges. Try to staple every 3cm if you can to make sure the pillow is well-sealed. IMPORTANT: DO NOT SEAL THE ENTIRE PILLOW. ALWAYS LEAVE ABOUT 5-10 CM TO LEAVE ROOM FOR THE ACTUAL PILLOW!!! Also try to keep it STRAIGHT!
6. When you've finished the stapeling (AND LEFT ROOM FOR THE STUFFING), turn the pillow inside out again.
7. Stuff the pillow.
8. Now comes the tricky part. Normally, I would try to sew this together. But if you don't have the energy for that, try folding it somehow so that you get in there with your stapler and staple it from the inside (folding the margins of course - you don't want the staples on the outside.)

Viola! Love it.

Viola! Love it.
The Hell that is Cortison
A part of my treatment is eating 50g of cortison once a day. Taking cortison for a long time can have a lot of side effects on your body. The cortison increases your insuline and therefore increases your appetite. Your body also tends to hoard water. Now, in order to avoid an excessive weight gain during this time is to eat small portions but often. So perhaps 6 small meals a day. Another important thing is to exclude carbohydrates or any foods that contain complex polysaccharides which are often the villains in weight gain, especially in combination with medications such as cortison.
So, basically I have to live on proteins and vegetables. That's fine with me. I would rather live off that than gain a million kg. I have already developed a moon face and I can feel my body being bloated. Even though eating this food will probably not make me lose weight, I will at least maintain my weight, or limit the weight gain to a minimum.
Don't you just love cortinson. BASTARD!!!
So, basically I have to live on proteins and vegetables. That's fine with me. I would rather live off that than gain a million kg. I have already developed a moon face and I can feel my body being bloated. Even though eating this food will probably not make me lose weight, I will at least maintain my weight, or limit the weight gain to a minimum.
Don't you just love cortinson. BASTARD!!!
10 Phonecalls... answers. This is what silence feels like.
Good night.
Good night.
Dear Mom, I'm sorry we bring you such heartache...
...with one daughter doing chemotherapy and the other daughter in Lybia in the middle of a warzone. Sorry!!! But don't worry, we'll make it through, and we'll make it up to you ;)
One Minute of Silence
I'm not really going update my blog tonight as I think the chemo is starting to kick in. I'm feeling sick and weak.
But on a more serious note, I would like to change the subject to a more delicate matter. Life. Life is tender. Life is frail. In fact, life is short. Sometimes we lose people we care about too soon. Even if it's not too soon, it's still difficult to deal with or accept. Anyone who's ever lost someone they love has gone through pain, mourning, and sadness. The memory of our loved one's will be cherrished forever in our hearts, forever in our lives, and they will never be forgotten. I don't think words can really describe the loss of a loved one nor do words describe the sorrow and pain that follows. Even though we do bounce back, we stand back on our feet, we learn to smile again, and we learn to live with their memory, I still think it's important to pay our respects once in a while to those we have lost but will never forget.
So, this is my moment of silence.
Update: 45minutes waiting....
and this is how I feel!!

Patience is Tempting
I have no problems making phone calls to authorities, in fact, I quite enjoy pointing out their mistakes, inconsistences, and bullshit that makes no logical sense whatsoever. But what I cannot STAND is the endless waiting on the phone..."You are number 3 in line..." number 3 in line basically means they're on a coffee break and cannot be asked to answer the phone right now. Well...that's the story I've construced in my head anyway. But the best part is...the glory of the story is waiting in line for about 30 minutes only to find out I should have been waiting in another phone cew half an hour ago before their office closed. Alternative scenario: you get to them but the person in question has NO idea how to handle anything...and ends up having ME do all the work. Makes you want to break out in song don't you think?
I'm not pissed off though...just tempted...very very...tempted!!!
I'm not pissed off though...just tempted...very very...tempted!!!
Dear N,
I'm thinking of you and sending my deepest condolensces and love to you and your family during this difficult time. I know words don't really help so instead I'm sending all my positive energy and warmth to you.
Many hugs and love from me to you!
Many hugs and love from me to you!
A Sea of Papers
For the past 2 hours I've been drowning in papers, trying to figure out what's what. Receipts, forms to fill in, letters to write, days to figure out, papers to be signed, sealed and delivered tomorrow. Man oh man, I can't believe though that I managed to fix it all in two hours. I'll tell you now, it's not easy being on long-term sick leave. There's so much administrative work involved you wouldn't believe. But I did it, FINALLY!! After what seems to have been a billion phone calls and a sea of information to take in, I think I'm ready to print some papers and send everything off to everyone. Hopefully this will be the last of it. Fingers crossed though that everything's right!!!
Tonight was a pleasant evening though. My oldest and best friend and her fiance came over and we sat for a couple of hours talking about their wedding. We had a LOT of laughs which was a nice break of the day. Then I skyped with G in London, a few more hilarious laughs there. It's always nice to end the day with anything and everything. Don't end the day with admin work, or you might end up looking like this:

And that's just half the story.
Lights out.
Tonight was a pleasant evening though. My oldest and best friend and her fiance came over and we sat for a couple of hours talking about their wedding. We had a LOT of laughs which was a nice break of the day. Then I skyped with G in London, a few more hilarious laughs there. It's always nice to end the day with anything and everything. Don't end the day with admin work, or you might end up looking like this:

And that's just half the story.
Lights out.
It's taken me a while to land to say the least. So much...soooooooo much keeps happening. A rollercoaster ride is a swing in the park in comparison. So many authorities to contact, so much paperwork, so many things to deal with, and all at once for that matter. On top of that my medication has got me speeded up and I keep forgetting things because for every thought I have, a hundered more expload in my head. I know I know, anyone reading this and knows me might raise an eyebrow or two and think there's no difference between pre-treatment Hebs, and during-treatment Hebs. But I know ME, and I can feel the intensity of my thoughts, they're bouncing off the linings of my brain. I'm pretty sure my neurostransmitters are travelling at the speed of light at the least that's how I feel.
So, to solve this problem. I've developed a routine that I only began implementing today.
So it's pretty much like a regular working day. This might all seem ambitious but it's not for someone like me. I'm not the kind of person that can just sit around and do nothing. I don't like it. And, in time, I might start feeling exhausted from the treatment and I might not be able to follow a routine. But for now, I like having a routine in my life, it helps me structure up my day and feel less helpless. The best thing though, is that I feel so much better, psychologically. Healthy mind = healthy body, right?!
So there you have it. I'm up and going, trying to make the most of my days and my situation to the best of my ability. So far so good, I'm happy for now and I'll take it.

So, to solve this problem. I've developed a routine that I only began implementing today.
- I get up at around 7.30-8.00 (this is quite late for me, but then again, I'm suppose to be healing my body, not depriving it of well-needed sleep.)
- Take a shower and get dressed.
- Cup of coffee/tea, breakfast, take my medications, read the news.
- I wrote a "To-Do" list the night before of what I want to do today (or what I think I want to do ;)
- The list is divided in two parts: Morning (9-12), and Afternoon (13-17).
- Mornings are high-priority things that need to get done, and afternoons are for the rest of the things I want to do.
- Evenings are open for anything that I feel like doing. Cook, read, paint, watch movies, friends come over, or even work if I feel up for it.
- Thursdays are treatment days so the schedule will look different.
- I will also have meetings with the physiotherapist that will help me work out my body to the best of my ability during treatment. I need to prevent physical weakness and more health problems. So when that happens, I will be incorporating workouts into my schedule.
So it's pretty much like a regular working day. This might all seem ambitious but it's not for someone like me. I'm not the kind of person that can just sit around and do nothing. I don't like it. And, in time, I might start feeling exhausted from the treatment and I might not be able to follow a routine. But for now, I like having a routine in my life, it helps me structure up my day and feel less helpless. The best thing though, is that I feel so much better, psychologically. Healthy mind = healthy body, right?!
So there you have it. I'm up and going, trying to make the most of my days and my situation to the best of my ability. So far so good, I'm happy for now and I'll take it.

Let's Do This Shit...

I'm all dressed up for the occassion. After all, it is MY BIG DAY ;)

I can't help but smile.
In the Midst of a Storm...
...protect your feet.

Best things EVER!!!
Happy Face

Fun stuff!
Thirty-Eight Hours...
...and counting. Not feeling nervous at all anymore. Just want to get it out of the way. I thought about it today, but not in a bad way. I spoke to the doctor and he said that it has infiltrated my small intestine, but not severely. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm starting chemo on Thursday so what the hell. I'm not worried. I didn't really react.
He also discussed with the orthepedists about the possibility of doing an operation. They said that they would gladly do one. Whatever that means?! But that the final word was up to me. My doctor recommended not to do it unless I snap in half ('s funny...for now!!) He said that having this operation (a rather big procedure to stablize my hip) would also mean a high risk for infection because I won't have much of an immune system. I'll have to think about that one, but for now I'm leaning towards not having one. I just want to wait and see how well I respond to treatment.
in about 24 hours I have something fabulous to look forward to. N is coming to town to stay with me. I want to break out in song. But I can't sing haha.
He also discussed with the orthepedists about the possibility of doing an operation. They said that they would gladly do one. Whatever that means?! But that the final word was up to me. My doctor recommended not to do it unless I snap in half ('s funny...for now!!) He said that having this operation (a rather big procedure to stablize my hip) would also mean a high risk for infection because I won't have much of an immune system. I'll have to think about that one, but for now I'm leaning towards not having one. I just want to wait and see how well I respond to treatment.
in about 24 hours I have something fabulous to look forward to. N is coming to town to stay with me. I want to break out in song. But I can't sing haha.
A couple of friends asked me on FB how to make comments in the blog (for those who don't understand Swedish). At the end of each section, there's a row with the date, the category, and "Kommentarer". Click on this, it means "comments." can comment.
Best News in a While
Just got a phone call from no other than N in London. She's COMING NEXT WEEK TO ACCOMPANY ME TO MY FIRST CHEMO SESSION!!! I got so excited, I coughed my lungs up when we hung up. ;) Can't wait. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
And to make matters even better. J just called me and said HE'S COMING TO STOCKHOLM NEXT WEEK and he's coming over to see me too. I screamed of joy in his ear. Hallå...nånting...(inside joke).
I'm over the moon excited. I feel like I'm floating on clouds. Now I'm looking forward to next week. Who would have thought? Thank you guys for making me the happiest person ever!!!
I'm over the moon excited. I feel like I'm floating on clouds. Now I'm looking forward to next week. Who would have thought? Thank you guys for making me the happiest person ever!!!
This is about how good I'd sing if I sang "I'm So Excited - and I just can't Hide it"
Damn the Cold!
My cold continues. But not for very long hopefully. My personal remedy is: lemon, vinegar, and garlic. Why?
Lemon: Vitamin C has been shown to boost the immune system. When more white blood cells are present to fight infection, the life of the offending virus is cut short. Lemon juice also decreases the toxicity of the virus in the body. Your entire body won’t be wracked with pain and suffering like it is when the cold is untreated. In effect, lemon juice shortens the duration of the cold. (copied and pasted)
Vinegar: If you have a congested chest (which I have) the vinegar helps clear this. You can either inhale it in steamed water or mix it together with the ingredients I take. Your body also becomes more alkanalized (if that's a word) when you're sick. Vinegar helps revert this process.
Garlic: In general antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections of the sort that cause most colds and flu. Fortunately garlic isn't "just" an antibiotic. As well as the powerful antibacterial allicin, garlic produces a number of other potentially beneficial compounds. Scientific research has also shown that people taking garlic can suffer less from colds than a control group. There is also plentiful anecdotal evidence that taking large amounts of garlic at the onset of a cold can reduce the time taken to recover. (copied and pasted)

I might stink of garlic right now. But I'd rather stink than be sick. ENOUGH WITH BEING SICK ALREADY!!!
Even though I would pop pills for pain or other types if illnesses, eating certain types of foods have reptetitively shown to have a much stronger effect on health than pills. In fact, mountains of books (with evidence from research) have been written explaining how to fight cancer or prevent the development of cancer by eating certain foods. So, if food can fight or prevent cancer, I'm pretty sure food can prevent or reduce the duration and symptoms of colds!!
I'm OUT!!
Lemon: Vitamin C has been shown to boost the immune system. When more white blood cells are present to fight infection, the life of the offending virus is cut short. Lemon juice also decreases the toxicity of the virus in the body. Your entire body won’t be wracked with pain and suffering like it is when the cold is untreated. In effect, lemon juice shortens the duration of the cold. (copied and pasted)
Vinegar: If you have a congested chest (which I have) the vinegar helps clear this. You can either inhale it in steamed water or mix it together with the ingredients I take. Your body also becomes more alkanalized (if that's a word) when you're sick. Vinegar helps revert this process.
Garlic: In general antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections of the sort that cause most colds and flu. Fortunately garlic isn't "just" an antibiotic. As well as the powerful antibacterial allicin, garlic produces a number of other potentially beneficial compounds. Scientific research has also shown that people taking garlic can suffer less from colds than a control group. There is also plentiful anecdotal evidence that taking large amounts of garlic at the onset of a cold can reduce the time taken to recover. (copied and pasted)
I mix all three together for a potent effect.

I might stink of garlic right now. But I'd rather stink than be sick. ENOUGH WITH BEING SICK ALREADY!!!
Even though I would pop pills for pain or other types if illnesses, eating certain types of foods have reptetitively shown to have a much stronger effect on health than pills. In fact, mountains of books (with evidence from research) have been written explaining how to fight cancer or prevent the development of cancer by eating certain foods. So, if food can fight or prevent cancer, I'm pretty sure food can prevent or reduce the duration and symptoms of colds!!
I'm OUT!!
If anyone wants to look at older posts. Look at the right hand side. Scroll down a bit. Under Arkiv you can click on posts published each month. There are only 2 now...but remember that there are 6 months to go ;) can go to Kategorier and chose what you want to read about instead.
/H can go to Kategorier and chose what you want to read about instead.
Screw You
I have a cold. I'm caughing my pretty little lungs out. I can't breathe through my snout. Luckily, I don't have a fever. I think my body is just trying to get rid of the virus.
It's so weird. I haven't had a cold in over a year and a half now. I've had migranes, stomach aches, and very mild things. But I haven't been "sick" in ages. Last BAD thing that happened to me was food poisoning last summer. That was HORRIBLE!!
I rarely get sick actually. OH WAIT!!! I don't get sick. I GET LCH!!!! MUUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! C'mon, if I'm going to be sick I might as well go all out. I don't just accept a cold or some bullshit virus, that's too weak for me...I need a challenge. I need something to FIGHT!!! Something unusual. Something not even the doctors have heard of. That's so typical me hahaha. (It's OK...we can joke about it...I do..ALL THE TIME!!!!)
I'm going to go stuff my face with garlic. will help me get well!
It's so weird. I haven't had a cold in over a year and a half now. I've had migranes, stomach aches, and very mild things. But I haven't been "sick" in ages. Last BAD thing that happened to me was food poisoning last summer. That was HORRIBLE!!
I rarely get sick actually. OH WAIT!!! I don't get sick. I GET LCH!!!! MUUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! C'mon, if I'm going to be sick I might as well go all out. I don't just accept a cold or some bullshit virus, that's too weak for me...I need a challenge. I need something to FIGHT!!! Something unusual. Something not even the doctors have heard of. That's so typical me hahaha. (It's OK...we can joke about it...I do..ALL THE TIME!!!!)
Conversation with my mom yesterday:
Me: Mom, are you sure you can push me in the wheelchair?
Mom: Of course of course. C'mon...I can do this.
Me:'re going to make me
Me:'re going to make me
Mom: hihihihihihi....GREAT!!! What part of you did I break now?
Mom: hihihihihihi....GREAT!!! What part of you did I break now?
*I didn't fall, I just smashed into the side-walk and almost fell off the wheelchair. But this is OUR humor haha.

I'm going to go stuff my face with garlic. will help me get well!
When Did This Happen?
My baby brother. My favorite person in the whole wide world. My best friend. My everything. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED???? When did he grow up so fast? He's a head and a half taller than me and he's...well...all grown up.

Kareem, age 17.

Kareem. Superstrong.

Kareem, age 17.

Kareem. Superstrong.