I Won the Lottery

Not only is LCH a very unusual disease and that I'm 1 in a million adults who get it. Not only is it hard to define what it is (autoimmune or cancer). They treat it as both. 

The chemotherapy is for the cancer part of the disease. The steroid injections are for the autoimmune part of the disease. The side effects of both...JOY!!!

Most Common side effects of the particular chemotherapy drug I will be taking (medium-high dosage):

Increased risk of getting an infection from a drop in white blood cells – it is harder to fight infections and one can become very ill (I will be taking a very strong antibiotic at the same time to help this).

Tiredness and breathlessness due to a drop in red blood cells (anaemia) - YAY...because I'm not anaemic enough.

Bruising more easily due to a drop in platelets – can cause nosebleeds, bleeding gums after brushing your teeth, or lots of tiny red spots or bruises on arms or legs (known as petechia).

Bone pain; constipation; depression; fatigue; diarrhea; dizziness; general body discomfort; hair loss; headache; jaw pain; loss of appetite; nausea; stomach pain; vomiting.

Most common side effects of the particular steroids I will be taking (high dosage):

Difficulty in sleeping; increased appetite; feeling irregular or whirling motion; more sweating; indigestion; feeling nervous.

High risk of:

Developing ulcers.

Developing diabetes (I was told that if I have a genetic predisposition of diabetes, that there is a high risk that cortisone could trigger me to get diabetes - LUCKY ME...diabetes runs in my mom's family). 

I thought fighting LCH off was the hardest part.

Am I ready for this? Am I prepared? I think I am. Then why do my tears say I'm not?!


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